
Tuuli was originally drawn to yoga after years of running left her with painful knees and a stiff body. Undefeated by her lack of flexibility and strength, Tuuli kept coming back. Her knees improved much faster than she anticipated. However, this wasn't the only benefit, her mental state also transformed, and she felt more positive about life.

After having such a profound effect on her life, Tuuli jumped at the chance to become a teacher. She completed the first-ever Fierce Grace Teacher Training in 2014. Tuuli is passionate about the Fierce Grace system, and its ability to balance the body, she loves teaching all of the classes.

As a teacher, she loves being a part of people's physical and mental transformations. Her teaching style is both practical and fun. She’ll never let you compromise technique when trying out new postures, so you can be sure you’re in safe hands.

Your favourite FG class and why: Primal because the warrior and core sequences are brilliantly brutal.

Your teaching style in 3 words: Empowering, Energising, Practical.

Practice with Tuuli in studio or on FGTV.