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Hot Yoga Classes

Fierce Grace

The class that does it all

  • Duration

    60, 75, or 90 mins

  • Level

    All levels

About Fierce Grace

Everything you ever wanted in a yoga class. Multi-level, multi-style. Fluid and expansive. A whole body expression. Strength and power balanced by depth and relaxation.


  • Upper body, core and glute strength
  • Flexibility, grace and fluidity
  • Increased stamina
  • Breath and expansion
  • Deep expression of the self

Deep Core

The deepest stretch out there

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  • Duration

    75 mins

  • Level


About Deep Core

Deep Slow Stretch. Flexibility and alignment of our “true core” - the pelvis, hips and lower back. Deep relaxation.


  • Teaches pelvis and lower back alignment
  • Deep hip opening and leg stretching
  • Corrects alignment in foundation poses
  • Develops sensitivity, the foundation of a safe yoga practise
  • Spine traction and stabilisation
  • De-stresses body and mind


Simple, functional, powerful, fluid

  • Duration

    60 mins or 75 mins

  • Level


About Primal

A simple powerful class aimed at the body’s full natural functional movement. The key foundation poses from the FG system, a breath-led Warrior sequence coupled with groan inducing core and upper body strengthening, deep hip openers and relaxation.


  • Skeletal alignment and joint strengthening
  • Full body strength
  • Stamina and endurance
  • Frees breath, body, mind and soul


Entry level class for alignment, strength and focus

  • Duration

    75 or 90 mins

  • Level


About Classic

This motivating class develops alignment while building strength, stamina and flexibility. A great foundation class that is suitable for all ages and levels from the unfit to the experienced.


  • Core, upper body and leg strength
  • Flexibility and alignment
  • Discipline, power and focus


A deep, slow muscle and joint release class

  • Duration

    75 mins

  • Level


About IN

A deep, slow, yoga-physiotherapy class, based entirely on the floor. Deeply correcting, aligning, and releasing. Improve joint mobility while gradually getting wound down, de-stressed and softened.


  • Improve joint mobility by releasing tightness and adhesions
  • Improve flexibility safely
  • Target problem areas with props
  • Nourish the nervous system with breath and meditation
  • Relax mentally and physically by turning your attention INwards


An uplifting cardio-kundalini, muscle-sculpting class

  • Duration

    60 mins

  • Level

    All levels

About WILD

Power up, get fit and ripped with a mix of strength poses, Kundalini, core and upper body strengtheners, stamina building and purifying breath work. Lose weight, get ripped and go Wild.


  • Improves alignment and joint mobility
  • Builds stamina, core power and strength
  • Yogic breathing balances the nervous system
  • Burns serious calories whilst sculpting every inch of your body


A smart, safe yoga class for the stiff, old, broken or new

  • Duration

    75 mins

  • Level


About S.O.B.

This class is a powerful tool in both physical stability and re-alignment as well as a support for injury rehabilitation. A foundational class for technique. Work on muscle strengthening and stabilisation as well as alignment, with personalised modifications provided to anyone with an injury or issue. Don’t be fooled by its name, you will feel challenged and worked whoever you are in a welcoming no judgement atmosphere.


  • Core, upper body and leg strength
  • Corrects alignment in foundation poses
  • A great introduction to yoga
  • Learn to work safely with your injury, problem area or body type
  • Focus on technique for foundation poses
  • Prevent aggravation of injuries and start the healing process
  • Get strong and stabilise your weak problem areas
  • Get fitter and stronger safely
  • Restructure, realign, strengthen

The Fix

A condensed super-charged class to get you fitter faster

  • Duration

    50 mins

  • Level

    All levels

About The Fix

The condensed version of everything with some added surprises. This is a super-charged class designed to maintain your practise when you are high on motivation but low on time. A mix of Classic, Primal and FG, with a focus on arms, abs, breath and stamina.


  • Maintain your yoga practice when you are short on time
  • Develops energy and cardiovascular fitness
  • Keeps you strong and flexible
  • Increases stamina, tones core and de-stresses


The intermediate version of the Fierce Grace class

  • Duration

    75 or 90 mins

  • Level


About FG2

Experiment with more developed versions of poses, allowing more experienced students deeper exploration, while beginners can remain safely in the earlier expression of the pose. Optional excursions into intermediate expressions brings alchemical, unpredictable, magical freedom.


  • Discover more advanced versions of poses you know
  • Prepare for advanced class Beast
  • Stamina, strength and flexibility
  • All changes to the FG class are optional so the beginner student can proceed carefully


Learn arm balancing in an uplifting class

  • Duration

    60 mins

  • Level

    All levels

About Fly

A fluid, multi-level class featuring the poses you know and love, punctuated with the secrets of arm balancing. Build upper body and core power, get fit and flexible in this one hour class.


  • Deeper understanding of alignment protocols for arm balancing
  • Develop upper body strength
  • The class structure allows even beginners to have a great experience even if arm balancing is not in their repertoire

Fierce aka The Beast

The fiercest and fullest expression of Fierce Grace

  • Duration

    90 or 105 mins

  • Level

    Intermediate (90) /Advanced (105)

About Fierce aka The Beast

Our advanced class. Designed to take you to the next level in strength, flexibility, balance, patience and sense of humour. Learn the developments of the poses you have learned in the other classes and the safe steps to master some of the most glamorous poses in yoga.


  • Unparalleled fitness, flexibility and power
  • Deepest hip openers, backbends and inversions
  • Learn the poses you’ve only seen in books
  • Strength and flexibility in unison
  • Breath control, meditation, energy projection
  • Deepened awareness

FIIT (Fierce Intensity Interval Training)

Beautiful and Beastly.

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  • Duration

    30 or 60 mins

  • Level

    All levels

About FIIT (Fierce Intensity Interval Training)

An original HIIT style class sandwiched between an expansive yoga warm up and warm down. The beauty is its simplicity.


  • Benefit from intensity followed by the rest that HIIT and yoga are famous for
  • Increase stamina, endurance and whole body fitness.
  • Gain upper body strength with easily adaptable arm strength poses
  • Strengthen your legs, glute, feet, ankles, and arches
  • Power up your hips and back, while toning the whole core
  • Twists will tone and trim your waist, targeted yoga exercises will integrate the entire body and leave you feeling strong, yet lithe and fluid


A dynamic, restructuring foundation class.

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  • Duration

    60 minutes

  • Level

    All Levels/New

About Foundation

At last a foundation class that isn’t too easy. Develop correct technique while strengthening safely. Suitable for newcomers who want to learn alignment as well as experienced practitioners who value a regular physical reset. This yoga/physiotherapy class draws on elements from all the FG classes. Learn the 12 key poses in the FG method.


  • Corrects alignment in foundation poses
  • Develops sensitivity, the foundation of a safe yoga practise
  • Spine traction and stabilisation
  • Learn how to work safely with injuries or problem areas
  • A great introduction to yoga
  • Get fitter and stronger safely
  • Restructure, realign, strengthen

FG Fitness

Our new brand of supplementary targeted classes for every stage of your life and your every goal, available only on FGTV, include:

Fierce Arms - Expect a hardcore upper body blast of repeated drills, to target each and every muscle in your upper body and arms.

Fierce Abs - Target each group of abdominal muscles with our unique blend of yoga, power conditioning, pilates and bootcamp exercises.

Fierce Legs - Yoga wisdom combined with strength training will tone, sculpt and strengthen every inch of your butt, hips, thighs and calves.

Fierce grace class grid white

Fierce Grace classes are not classes.

Each designed via music, tone, heat, sequence and energy, to unleash your greatest potential.

The variety of classes allow you to combine them to create a personal programme to achieve your goals. The wider range of classes you perform the greater the benefits.

Hot yoga class experiences


We aren’t “Hot Yoga.” We are Fierce Grace Yoga, a transformational yoga method which can be practised in any temperature. But we also like a warm aerated studio to support safety, detoxification, catharsis and to reduce post-workout stiffness.

We led the UK hot yoga revolution, introducing hot yoga to London in 1994, and we have more experience running hot yoga studios than anyone else in Europe.

Most FG classes at FG studios are heated, practised in temperatures of between 35 - 38° C / 95 - 100° F (a pleasant ambient heat) in spacious studios with state-of-the-art humidity, ventilation, and heating.

We also offer “warm” versions of our Fierce Grace class (30° C) for those who wish to acclimatise or practise without too much heat.

In the Summer we dial the temperature down a little. Summer is the time when our bodies are warm and loose and we can increase our flexibility more safely. Our studios operate with little or no added heat in hot weather to keep you comfortable, allow you to make lasting changes in your body and in your practice, to keep you fit and healthy in preparation for colder times.

So on hot days you can expect a pleasantly warm atmosphere in studios with plenty of fresh outside air, either from open windows or our fancy extraction and oxygenation units. Leave your class feeling refreshed, detoxed and recharged and ready for whatever Summer fun you have planned.

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