"The No.1 Way To Get Fit."

India Knight chooses FGTV as her pick of the week, and FG responsible for keeping her in her best shape.

"Fierce Grace continues to smash down preconceptions about who can do yoga."

"Hot in more ways than one."

"Tired yoga tropes like Buddhas and some odd mixture of capitalism and faux spiritualism are nowhere to be seen."

"Goodbye gentle yoga moves and hello to a kick-ass class that combines weight training and cardio with all the muscle-lengthening properties of yoga."

"The Mecca of Hot Yoga in London"

"Unlike other stricter studios, the variety at Fierce Grace gives practitioners different options to suit their experience"

"Fierce Grace does hot yoga a little bit differently thanks to its interconnected system of classes."

"Between the heat and the intensity of the teacher’s delivery, the effect is almost hypnotic and delivers the most relaxing savasana."

"I was doing downward dogs next to a Hollywood a-lister"

"Fierce Grace combines cutting-edge fitness ideas...to deliver total-body fitness, alignment and wellbeing."

"Performing asana in high heat can promote healing so if you are injured, stiff or a beginner you could try a class such as the Fierce Grace S.O.B (Stiff, Old or Broken)"

"The brand is no stranger to quirky, unique and challenging" - Meet the fitness brands tackling fat phobia and industry intimidation

"The fierceness doesn’t really come from them; the fierceness comes later, from within." - Zoe Williams, Fit in my 40s

"How to kick-start your body each morning - no coffee required."

"More about easing tension than creating Insta appeal."

"Best For: Getting ripped without shifting metal."

"Deadlines done, I like to unwind with a 5pm classic class of hot yoga at Fierce Grace."

"Forget gentle meditation – yoga’s had a makeover."

"It can be of great benefit to those with poor posture or existing physical issues, as well as those who want to achieve their potential in the way they feel, move and perform athletically."

"Some of the very best classes in this yoga-obsessed city"

"Deep Core Dark is the latest addiction."

"I’m sweating from parts of my body that were not designed to sweat. Eyelids, toes, fingernails – you name it."

"I left feeling completely centred."

"The heat allowed me to deepen further into a stretch I’d done many times before."

"It’s disciplined and challenging, but the atmosphere is laidback and just, well, fun."

"If you are beginning to get bored of traditional Bikram, make a beeline for Fierce Grace."

"This is rock ’n’ roll yoga and you won’t be judged for missing classes or if you want to drink wine at dinner."

"Fierce Grace however have revolutionised Bikram Yoga through offering shorter and less ‘strict’ classes."

"The tipping point was that Fierce Grace’s flyers were different. They featured people who looked like the sort with whom I’d quite happily go for several drinks. They weren’t skinny, weren’t all doing it perfectly."

"Spreading like wildfire amongst health conscious Londoners, Michele took her revolutionary yoga from living room to rented space and now to four top London venues."

"Not only do I feel lighter and more toned, but my energy levels are up, my posture has improved, my mind is calmer and I feel more grounded."

"I emerge fully stretched out and revitalised - more like 26 year olds than 60-somethings."

"Accessibility for all is precisely what sets Fierce Grace apart from other yoga classes."

"Fierce Grace lives up to its promise of giving a cardio-vascular boost and a fully rounded body workout."

"The Health Food Store. Church of food righteousness. Disneyland promise of a new you."

"Bye-bye Bikram and sweating in those jungle gyms. The hottest thing in the capital right now is warm exercise."

"This friendly new way to get bendy is equally good for beginners as seasoned yogi masters."