Fierce Core
A powerful tool to target your Core - abdominals, lower back, psoas and hip flexors.
A blend of Pilates, functional movement and classical body conditioning the class delivers sculpting and strengthening exercises alongside key FG poses. Fierce Core is a whole body workout focussing on the torso, specifically the abdominals, balanced with the lower back.
Work on all the abdominal muscles, as well as back, legs, arms, glutes and stamina. Expect not just a powerful core workout but also a safe and effective class, suitable for all levels from unfit beginner to athletic fitness pros wanting to develop strength in a smart way while maintaining skeletal alignment. Expect to groan, but to leave revitalised.
- duration 60 minutes
- level All levels
- Toned bum and Abs
- Increase stamina, endurance and whole body fitness.
- Power up your hips and back, while toning the whole core
- Core, lower back and hip flexors
- strengthen all the abdominal muscles