In this blog and video tutorial FG founder Michele Pernetta takes you through perfect alignment in Pigeon Pose aka Eka Pada Rajakapotasa. Learn how to work with tightness or knee injuries, find alternatives, or progress as a more experienced practitioner.
Prefer to watch a video? View this tutorial on FGTV.
Pigeon Pose is a wonderful gluteus medius and minimus stretch and hip flexor stretch.
How to get into the pose:
1. If you have any knee issues take your right knee inside your right wrist and keep your right foot close to or under your right hip, and point your foot.
2. If knees are fine, from all fours take your right knee forward to the outside of your right wrist, so knee is close with the right edge of your mat.
If you're new to this keep your right foot close with your right thigh. You can gradually open the angle at the knee to the level that is comfortable. The wider the angle at the knee the more intense the stretch. You can choose whether your foot is flexed (more intense) or pointed (less intense.)
3. Stretch your left leg behind you until you feel the stretch in your right hip and left groin.
4. Roll your left hip down to try to bring left groin towards the floor. If your glute doesn’t touch the floor place a block or pad under it to protect your right knee.
You shouldn't feel any pain in the knee!
5. Begin upright, hands on either side. Tuck your tailbone under. Pubic bone up. Pull your belly in, try to lengthen your lower back.
6. Slowly come forward on your hands and one day on your elbows, and if flexible lie down. You can place your forehead on the hands.

7. Relax and breathe. As you open up more, slide your left leg back an inch or so if you wish to intensify the stretch, or shuffle your right foot forward a little as long as your knee is comfortable. Relax and breathe.
8. To release, straighten arms, body up. Right leg back and come back to all fours
Change sides.
- Increases external range of motion of femur in hip socket
- Lengthens hip flexors
- Prepares body for backbends
- Prepares body for seated postures such as Padmasana (Lotus Pose)
- Opens tight gluteus medius and minimus
- Prevents sciatica
- Knee pain
- Disc herniation
- Sacro-iliac issues (don't bring body to vertical at the start)
- Zig-Zag - bent leg hip on floor. Back leg knee bent, like a “Z”. Take hands towards right shin and lean forward. Adjust direction of body to ensure no knee discomfort.
- If knee is too painful, perform Reclining Pigeon. Front foot must remain active and flexed to protect the knee.