Deep Core
The deepest stretch out there
Deep Slow Stretch. Flexibility and alignment of our “true core” - the pelvis, hips and lower back. Deep relaxation.
The deepest stretch out there. Suitable for beginners and advanced students alike, the class focusses mainly on the flexibility and alignment of our “true core” - the pelvis, hips, lower back and their supporting muscles. The class is predominantly floor based and is both motivating and relaxing. Foundation standing poses improve alignment and give freedom to drop any desire to “perform” while connecting us deeply with body and breath. The floor series favours longer slower holds to allow deep connective tissue releases, providing safe and lasting flexibility. This class develops awareness and sensitivity, which are keys to a successful yoga practice.
Find the Deep Core class in studio, on FGTV Live, or FGTV On Demand.
- duration 75 mins
- level All/Beginners
- Teaches pelvis and lower back alignment
- Deep hip opening and leg stretching
- Corrects alignment in foundation poses
- Develops sensitivity, the foundation of a safe yoga practise
- Spine traction and stabilisation
- De-stresses body and mind